About Rafahia

Rafahia program uses influencers from famous people in the world and in social media platform to promote the contracted places by presenting it’s code as an absolute identity to all members of the rafahia program and advertising the desired products

Rafahia program provides special membership code for all its customers containing a brochure containing the names of all shops to direct them to shop in it for the purpose of marketing to both parties merchant-company
Rafahia company invented its program before here program to advertise through a call center available to announce the products and offers of the contracted parties and these parties can promote throughout the week through the contact center to the profile here company center

Vission and Mission

Our goal is to make the luxury life at symbolic prices and suitable for all types of consumers and within the reach of everyone, and we do not limit it to large possibilities and huge sums, as the standard of living in the United Arab Emirates encourages a life of luxury and is considered one of the most touristic countries and influencing the world and among the most powerful tourist countries list.

Nature of Business

We help brands to reach there target audience by providing and creating exclusive e commerce solutions and services marketing content and products marketplace by using interactive advertising content and interactive influencers